

This entity is found in Oil Ocean Zone (OOZ), and acts very differently from the other types of platforms. Exclusively used in OOZ Officially, this platform will “pop-up” depending on it’s settings



Sets how the GasPlatform with behave.

  • 0 - Pop Up on set interval; Interval set by the Interval and IntervalOffset attributes.
  • 1 - Pop Up with a added Spring-Like Effect
  • 2 (and Beyond) - Nothing; Solid Dumb Platform


Depending on it’s value, this attribute causes objects to move with the platform. For Example, if you set childCount to 2, and the Entity Slot is 287, Entities with a Slot of 288, and 289 will move with the platform.


Handles how long between the gas platform coming to a stop, and poping up next time.


Sets the Time in the Interval you want to start at when the stage loads